- Exposure: LRGB - 44x300s:12x600s:10x600s:17x600s
- Luminance binned 1x1, RGB binned 2x2
- Telescope: Stellarvue SV152
- Mount: MI-250 GoTo
- Camera: SBIG ST-10XME CCD, SBIG CFW-10, AstroDon E-Series TruBalance Filters
- Location: Casa Cielo Observatory, Santa Barbara, CA
- Date/Time:
- Luminance:
- August 27, 02:15-04:26 PDT
- August 28, 02:09-05:31 PDT
- Red
- September 1, 01:42-02:15 PDT
- September 25, 00:21-01:04 PDT
- September 26, 23:06-23:59 PDT
- Green
- September 25, 01:23-05:07 PDT
- September 27, 00:06-00:59 PDT
- Blue
- September 25, 02:25-04:26 PDT
- September 27, 01:09-03:23 PDT
- Processing: Taken in CCDSoft v5 using CCD Commander. Reduced, aligned, combined sub-exposures, Positive Constraint deconvolution to the Luminance, and RGB combine in CCDStack. Color balancing, Lab LRGB combine, contrast adjustment, unsharp mask, selective bluring, and saturation boost in Photoshop.
- Names:
- M33 / NGC 598 (galaxy)
- NGC 604 (large emission nebula in lower left quadrent)
- IC 131-137, 139, 140, 142, 143, NGC 592 and 595 (various objects throughout the field)
- Type: Spiral Galaxy
- Constellation: Triangulum
- Distance: about 3 million light-years